Monday, September 14, 2009

Belle and Mulan ...Disney's Heroines!

In his article Are Disney Movies Good For Your Kids?, Henry Giroux tears apart Disney's animated movies to prove how they are inappropriate for children in regards to race and gender. Though he makes many fascinating and provoking points, I have to disagree with him on a few areas regarding Disney's female characters. In the previous blog I referenced three women who may not be the best role models. Now I am going to defend the overarching theme of Giroux's article by providing my thoughts on two great women in the Disney films.
In the article, Giroux provides excellent examples that elevate Belle as a model heroine for young girls. However, to keep to his article I believe he takes a few low blows. He does give her credit for looking beyond Gaston's manliness and seeing the true beauty in the beast. However, even with his strong statements about this lady, he concludes that "Belle simply becomes another woman whose life is valued for solving a man's problems." Ouch! That is a bit of a stretch (in my humble opinion of course). This was a particular jab for me since Belle has been my hero since the movie was released in theaters. I believe she is one of the strongest examples of a Disney woman because she rejects the attractions of a masculine suitor and denies herself what most women would consider a wonderful life. If she had married Gaston, she would have been well provided for and have the town's "best man" as her husband. However, she would not settle and instead saved a spoiled man from a lifetime of captivity as a beast. In return she marries a prince who adores her for who she truly is. Now the happily-ever-afters don't get much better than that! (In my humble opinion of course). What did Giroux expect Belle to do after she save the beast by loving him? - reject him and live a life on her own? That is even less realistic than singing teacups.
Now for Mulan. She basically single handily wipes out most of the Hun army with an avalanche. All of this was so her father, who was very old at the time, would not have to fight in the war. Can we say kick butt heroine? The female warrior does not really get much better than that! Mulan is a woman who defends her father, her family honor, and saves the emperor from the Hun leader. I believe she deserves to 'get the guy' in the end. Yes we can chalk it up to another Disney happily-ever-after, but it is not like she ate a bad apple or pricked her finger. She actively saved not only her own life, but defended all of China.

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