For the most part, it is the women of society who have gotten most of the attention in regards to media influence. As many of my blogs have shown, gender (mainly the female sex) is one of the hot topics in the media. But what about the men? What does their identity look like now? With the feminist movements, women have gained the right to vote, a higher education, and therefore jobs that can provide for the family. The traditional roles of gender has been that the woman is the bearer and nurturer of children and the man provides for the family. Now that woman's role has been redefined, has a man's roles been altered? Do the men in our culture have to adjust their societal expectations? Who really has the authority to decide on the roles of gender? David Gauntlett, in his book Media, Gender, and Identity describes the "male crisis" in the first two chapters of his text. He also discusses who has the power - the media or the people? Is it really the media who decides the roles of gender or is it really a creative reflection of the culture? I have asked mostly questions in this blog, but isn't that where a conversation starts? With all of these questions, I am really aiming at the evaluation of a particular advertisement. Really look at this advertisement for absolut vodka. What are they really selling? - alcohol or a lifestyle? Who are they selling to? What does this say about the media's relation in regards to the "male crisis" discussed in Gauntlett's book. How dramatized is this ad?
Personally, as amusing as this ad is, I think it is very dramatized. Looking from a female perspective, what woman wouldn't like to give up some of the physical inconveniences of pregnancy? Ladies, let's be honest, men get the better part of the whole birthing process! Is this advertisement a fun spin or a commentary to illustrate how far women have gone from the maternal environment? I am not an anti-feminist by any means. I am currently a college student seeking a professional degree myself and hoping to secure a full-time job. However, I also realize that biologically I am the one who is able to carry the children who will one day create my family. My husband is unable to fulfill that part of our marriage. That is just nature; there is no qualms, just facts. As women, we need to pursue great things, but also honor and cherish the men in our lives when they fall under the "male crisis."
I'd love to know where this ad appeared. If it was a magazine ad, what magazine? Was it a women's magazine or a man's magazine? I think I'd agree with your implied guess that the ad is targeted to women. It kind of reminds me of those "porn for women" photos (a very dangerous thing to Google, by the way): The joke in this series of images is that the thing that REALLY turns women on is when men drop the macho, conventional man role for a second and do things that are, well, conventionally feminine. Of course, getting pregnant is a bit of an extreme example, get the picture.